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Improving Performance

Test isolation

By default Vitest runs every test file in an isolated environment based on the pool:

  • threads pool runs every test file in a separate Worker
  • forks pool runs every test file in a separate forked child process
  • vmThreads pool runs every test file in a separate VM context, but it uses workers for parallelism

This greatly increases test times, which might not be desirable for projects that don't rely on side effects and properly cleanup their state (which is usually true for projects with node environment). In this case disabling isolation will improve the speed of your tests. To do that, you can provide --no-isolate flag to the CLI or set test.isolate property in the config to false. If you are using several pools at once with poolMatchGlobs, you can also disable isolation for a specific pool you are using.

vitest --no-isolate
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    isolate: false,
    // you can also disable isolation only for specific pools
    poolOptions: {
      forks: {
        isolate: false,


If you are using vmThreads pool, you cannot disable isolation. Use threads pool instead to improve your tests performance.

For some projects, it might also be desirable to disable parallelism to improve startup time. To do that, provide --no-file-parallelism flag to the CLI or set test.fileParallelism property in the config to false.

vitest --no-file-parallelism
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    fileParallelism: false,


By default Vitest runs tests in pool: 'forks'. While 'forks' pool is better for compatibility issues (hanging process and segfaults), it may be slightly slower than pool: 'threads' in larger projects.

You can try to improve test run time by switching pool option in configuration:

vitest --pool=threads
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    pool: 'threads',

Released under the MIT License.